Life Time Deal on WriteSmart is not a one-time deal. It is not just to attract first-time buyers; it is truly a Life Time Product now.
In the past year, we spoke to countless customers and non-customers who tried WriteSmart and learned a lot from them. WriteSmart 2.0 was made possible due to all those customers who contributed ideas and taught us what we should be building next.
In these discussions, we also understood our customers' desire to get a product that is not another subscription. Like many product builders, we initially ignored that demand as it was not good for our business.
However, we felt bad for some of our customers who truly loved our product but had budget constraints.We asked ourselves, what if we offered a Life Time deal with truly unlimited offerings?We listed down all our criteria for our customers and users; here they are:
Offer a lifetime one-time payment deal
Truly unlimited prompts/usage
Allow generous usage in terms of devices
Don't lose money on any deal
Don't count on or hope that customers will buy and never use the product
As you can see, unlike most lifetime deals, we didn't want to acquire the first set of customers; we wanted to make money by selling this forever.The target was ambitious, and the task was definitely not easy.Next, we listed our cost centers:
Server cost
Database cost
OpenAI cost - minimal, but we also wanted to offer unlimited prompt usage; hence, we had to consider extreme usage here.
Next was the tough task of evaluating each of the cost centers to achieve the initial set of goals listed. Our engineering guy (he is a genius) came up with an architecture to eliminate servers. I was speechless when he showed me how it could be done.
Next, we identified the right database that allows us to validate licenses and store custom styles per user.Next in line was OpenAI. Here, the choice became obvious: if we truly want our customers to win, we need to have them use their own OpenAI key. We already had a BYOK plan in the first version, so we knew it could be a bit of a hassle for some customers who still opted for the regular plan. But in favor of helping our customers long-term, this decision was necessary.
So now we run only on a database and have eliminated two major cost centers.
As you can see, bringing BYOK was absolutely necessary in order to offer extremely high value to our customers with no strings attached and one-time fees.
To our customers, as you can see we make this deal profitably by cutting cost, so you can rest assured you your Life Time product is here to stay.
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